What is being done?
All PWL University Buildings listed on the schedule page are undergoing a Wi-Fi hardware refresh. As new equipment arrives, buildings will be scheduled to have old wireless access points removed and new modern wireless access points put in their place. Once all University Building locations are complete, wireless site surveys will be conducted to determine if there are any weak coverage areas that need addressing.
When will my building be refreshed?
Please look at the scheduling page for current information. This page represents our current plan and will be updated often as we schedule new spaces.
Will I need to find other Wi-Fi sources while my area is being refreshed?
A wireless access point swap will only take a few minutes, and other surrounding access points will be providing a signal in the meantime. However, if you anticipate needing a constant and reliable connection for a streaming event or video call, we recommend you go to a library or use a wired connection.
What can I expect after the upgrade?
Wireless performance should be improved as we are deploying the Wi-Fi 6 standard. Wireless standards are backwards compatible and will use the highest supported standard between the wireless access point and the user device.
With this AP refresh, will I have to buy new equipment to get onto Wi-Fi?
If you can connect to Wi-Fi today, you’ll be able to connect after too.
I’m having issues connecting to the wireless, what should I do?
  • Purdue IT support can be reached at 765-494-4000 or at it@purdue.edu.
  • While steps for individual devices vary, some steps applicable to most devices include the following:
    1. Ensure the wireless is enabled on your device.
    2. Run the secureW2 installer bellow.
    3. If you can connect to attwifi but not PAL or Eduroam, it may imply an issue with your username and/or password or it could be a limitation of the device being used.
    4. Generally speaking, “home” devices cannot connect to PAL/Eduroam, things like speakers, printers, game consoles, etc.

SecureW2 Installers:

Eduroam: https://cloud.securew2.com/public/62946/wl-prd-eduroam/

PAL 3.0: https://cloud.securew2.com/public/62946/wl-prd-PAL3.0/