Click one of the links at the bottom to initiate the Tech Allowance Request Form. Once you click the link, you will be presented with the workflow fields (names and emails) to populate. Once complete, you will receive the following confirmation screen message:
Next, go into your Purdue email account and click on the DocuSign Tech Allowance email you received. This link will take you into the form to be completed and submitted (just as you are used to seeing today).
If, you are in the form and are unable to complete it (for whatever reason), click on the “More” option at the top of the page: One of your drop down options will be to “Finish Later.” This step will save the data which has been completed so far. Then, when you are ready to go back into the document, click on the initial email that you received. Clicking on this will then take you back into the form where you left off. Complete the information and either click the “Finish Later” once again or “Submit” to move the document along.
As long as you keep this initial email from DocuSign, you will be able to edit as often as necessary without starting over.