Endpoint Support Services Equipment Move Service Request Standard
Date Issued: March 23, 2011
Date Last Revised: April 22, 2013
This standard outlines the considerations, commitments, and shared responsibilities for ESS supported equipment moves. ESS should be involved during the planning stages of all supported equipment moves. ESS will assist with equipment moves as requested provided adequate leadtime has been given to allow for scheduling. ESS cannot guarantee commitment to physically move computer systems or printers between buildings, to different locations in the same building, or from desk to desk unless prior scheduling has been arranged. Equipment move requests will be handled with routine priority allowing advance notice to facilitate coordination of ESS and/or other University service providers.
To ensure accurate inventory, minimize end user downtime due to incorrect system configuration and minimize support costs.
To request more information on ESS Equipment Move Standards, please contact your Technical Coordinator/DCL. If you wish to initiate a request for an equipment move or need assistance with financial decisions related to a move, please contact your business office to find the appropriate contact person within your department.
When a department plans for any major (entire department) or minor (single system) computer system or network printer move, a service request should be submitted to ensure inventory accuracy and to minimize downtime due to incorrect system setup. No supported printer or computer system should be moved between buildings, to different locations in the same building, or from desk to desk without first notifying ESS. ESS staff will review the equipment move service request and perform any necessary preparatory work including a site survey, reviewing data PICs, re-labeling equipment and updating inventory. ESS will assist with equipment moves whenever possible, but makes no guaranteed commitment to physically move computer systems or printers without adequate lead-time.
The Supported Department Responsibilities
- The department will request a ESS site survey as far in advance as possible to determine if there are any issues preventing the timely move of equipment. Relationship Manager, Tier 2 Move Technician, and Departmental Technology Coordinator must be made aware of scheduled move and, if possible, should join ESS during the site survey. The department is responsible for scheduling movement of computer equipment from one location to the other with ESS. ESS will reconnect computer equipment and printers and test functionality as requested. A single block of time should be scheduled with ESS to move or reconnect equipment whenever possible.
- If it is determined that insufficient data connections (PIC) or electrical outlets are present, the department will be responsible for arranging new installations through Physical Facilities.
- The department will provide account numbers for related move charges (i.e. cables, PIC activations, power strips, etc.) Power strips are required for all equipment. Uninstallation and reinstallation of monitor arms and keyboard trays is the responsibility of the department. Other hardware that may be necessary for ADA compliance is the responsibility of the department.
- It is recommended that the department label and box items to ensure equipment remains with the same user at the new location. Large multifunction printers may need to be moved by the vendor. ESS will assist but, the department is ultimately responsible for scheduling time with the vendor for the physical move and setup of the printer and any costs that might be associated with the move. ESS will be available during the install of equipment in the new location.
ESS Responsibilities
- Lead the pre-move site survey
- Evaluate the new location for equipment being moved.
- Identify, activate, deactivate and test PICs for new and old locations.
- Identify and order data cables as needed.
- Identify and order keyboard, mouse, and monitor extender cables as needed.
- Identify all printer information to support system changes.
- Discuss if current network printers meet the needs of the new location.
- Confirm electrical outlet needs will be met.
- Re-label any equipment as necessary.
- Update inventory.
- Assist with equipment move within defined parameters outlined above.
- Reconnect and test all computers systems and printers during the scheduled time after equipment is in the new location