Briefing examines use of the Wilmeth Active Learning Center for academic year 2017-18
The Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC) opened just in time for the fall 2017 semester, and almost immediately, students routinely packed the study areas, libraries and computer labs while use of the building’s active learning classrooms grew steadily, especially in the second semester.
According to the latest briefing by the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Effectiveness (OIRAE), in WALC's first semester, classrooms were utilized almost half the time they were available and when in use, they had a 65 percent occupancy rate.
A public forum on the report will be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday, February 13, in Rawls Hall, Room 3058.
For the spring 2018 semester, classroom utilization grew in excess of 10 percent, meaning that more classes are scheduled in active learning classrooms. The most commonly scheduled course subjects in WALC are English, nursing, computer science and communication.
WALC’s busiest times during the week are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Its busiest day is Wednesday with approximately 1,559 unique users on the wireless network. Students are flocking to WALC, but what about professors?
OIRAE conducted two interviews with professors to understand their perspectives of teaching in WALC. Physics Professor Andy Hirsch’s only complaint was that he had to use a wireless microphone to be heard, though he struggled to come up with even that.
Electrical and computer engineering technology Professor Bob Herrick liked that their students could work in groups and comprehend material in real time together. ITaP is focused on conducting open houses and demonstrations of technology at WALC in the hopes of getting more professors and instructors to consider an active learning classroom for their course.
If faculty are interested in teaching in WALC, they should talk to their departmental scheduling deputy.
To read February’s OIRAE briefing visit:
Writer: Kirsten Gibson, technology writer, Information Technology at Purdue (ITaP), 765-494-8190,
Last updated: February 8, 2018