New SAP GUI with Secure Login Client available on June 24

On June 24, Purdue is launching “SAP GUI with Secure Login Client” for SAP S/4 Financial and ECP System users. The Secure Login Client provides additional security features and will soon be required to access the systems.

If you are an S/4 and/or ECP System user, please install the upgraded software ASAP.  If you are supported by Purdue IT ESS, the new software will be available in the Company Portal on June 24.  If not, IT support staff will be reaching out to you soon.

The launch will begin in all S/4 non-production environments with the Secure Login requirement on June 24.  Required use will be implemented in S/4 production on July 15, 2024.  

*ECP, GRC, and BPC systems will follow. Dates will be sent out in Purdue Today prior to the switch. This will not affect SuccessFactors.

Questions?  Please contact the SAP Integration team via email to