“Speed dating” event hopes to introduce instructors to the right educational tool
Finding the right educational tool can be exhausting.
Searching online and swiping right on what looks like the perfect match, only to discover that it doesn’t live up to its hype. But what if there was a better way?
Speed Dating with Studio Tools is a new event hosted by the Innovative Learning Team to introduce instructors to educational apps created in-house at Purdue.
Apps featured at the event will be:
- Hotseat – A classroom response tool that allows students to participate using their phones and mobile devices.
- Replay – A gamified quizzing app that creates interactive, competitive, low-stakes quizzes to make learning a game.
- Circuit – A peer-review tool that accepts assignments of a variety of types – Word documents, LaTeX, .pdf – and has the option to increase the quality of feedback through calibrated review.
- Passport – A learning and e-portfolio system that uses digital badges to show users’ achievements and competencies.
Just like the speed dating concept for relationships, Speed Dating with Studio Tools will allow instructors to interact with each app for 8 to 10 minutes and learn about how each tool can be used to increase engagement in the classroom.
Speed dating with Studio Tools will be held from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 30, in Wetherill Chemistry Lab 420; click here for more information and to register. Attendees should bring a laptop or mobile device.
Those unable to attend the event can request a one-on-one consultation about any or all of tools by emailing tlt@purdue.edu.
Writer: Dave Stephens, technology writer, Information Technology at Purdue, 765-496-7998, steph103@purdue.edu.
Last updated: April 18, 2019