ITaP help service will remain open for business with some modifications
ITaP will close its walk-in help desk in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (HSSE) Library beginning with spring break and after break while the campus is on COVID-19 virus restrictions, but help will still be available in two other locations and by phone and email.
Walk-in help will be available in the Hicks Undergraduate Library (HIKS) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the Wilmeth Active Learning Center (WALC) from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. the weeks of March 16, 23 and 30.
Faculty, students and staff who need assistance from ITaP also can email or call 765-494-4000. Help also is available on the web through Purdue’s GoldAnswers knowledge base,
Information about interruptions in ITaP services can be found on the ITaP homepage,
Walk-in help desk service in HSSE will resume once Purdue resumes face-to-face classes. HIKS and WALC help desks will be open as long as adequate staff is available or until the University implements further restrictions on coming to campus.
Phone help will continue as long as campus remains open for ITaP Customer Service Center personnel to staff the phone banks. If the virus emergency requires campus to be closed to employees, phone help may have to be curtailed or suspended but help by email will continue.
ITaP also is closing most of its campus computer labs for now.
- During spring break, the labs in Beering Hall (BRNG) and Stanley Coulter Hall (SC) will be open for instructors needing access to course software from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- After spring break, the labs in BRNG and SC will be open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Last updated: March 15, 2020