ITaP’s Customer Service Center now has a call back option for those waiting on the phone in need of tech support.
Those waiting to talk with an ITaP representative will be given the option to request a “call back” after being on hold for 60 seconds. Callers can enter their 10-digit (non-International) phone number and will retain their place in line, receiving a phone call when the next support staff team member is available. The change comes as part of an effort to streamline the customer service experience for anyone needing technical help.
“We know technology issues can be frustrating,” says Dwight Snethen, executive director of End User Experience for ITaP. “Our goal is to make the interaction with tech support as helpful and efficient as possible. Purdue is a large university where people are doing and learning important things. Our goal is to support those initiatives by providing world-class technology, security, and customer service so that the University can continue to thrive.”
ITaP’s Customer Service Center is available by phone and email 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (closed during University holidays).
Last updated: August 11, 2022