Changes to Microsoft 365 sensitivity labels coming March 14

Effective Friday, March 14, Purdue IT is implementing phase one of changes to the currently visible-to-all Microsoft 365 sensitivity labels. These changes are part of the University’s plan to move toward approved storage of sensitive and restricted data in Microsoft 365.

Changes include:

  • Remove the "Public" sensitivity label
  • Remove the "General -> Anyone (unrestricted)" sensitivity label
  • Rename the "General -> All Employees (unrestricted) sensitivity label to simply "General Data"

The changes may take between three and 24 hours after implementation to take effect for end users.

The General Data label is classified as public data in accordance with Purdue Data Classification and Handling Procedures. Public Data means that it has no special restrictions for storage or sharing. This label does not provide public access to the files, emails, or Team meetings. The label is just a statement the data contained is not of a sensitive or restricted nature and can be stored and shared as you like. This label does not affect the files, emails, or Teams meetings in anyway. 

Phase two of the changes will include the rollout of Sensitive and Restricted labels.

M365 Sensitivity Label