Below is a list of services at IU and details about how long you have access to IU services and details on how to migrate your data to Purdue services, including: 

  • Access after July 1, 2024: NO  
  • You will not be able to use your IU Adobe license after moving to Purdue. Purdue’s agreement with Adobe provides two types of licenses for Creative Cloud, Named-User License and Shared Device License (SDL). Purdue faculty and staff are eligible for a Named-User License and active undergraduate students are only eligible to access Adobe Creative Cloud Software on devices with SDL, such as in Purdue IT computer labs.  
  • If you have a personal Adobe ID, you can transfer data from your IU-provided Adobe account to your personal Adobe account, depending on the asset in question. For more, see Transfer assets across accounts or profiles . 
  • For help downloading Adobe files for storage in another system (such as an approved Purdue storage location), consult this guide from Tufts University: How to download files from Adobe Creative Cloud application (PDF) . 
Cloud services (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud accounts)
  • Access after July 1, 2024: NO for faculty/staff; YES for students 
  • Faculty/staff: Any public cloud account used for research, teaching and learning, or long-term use cases should be migrated to Purdue ahead of July 1 to ensure continuity of service. 

Private Cloud: Geddes is a Community Composable Platform optimized for composable, cloud-like workflows. It is appropriate for custom services such as notebooks, databases, elastic software stacks, and science gateways.  

◊ For research cloud needs, please see Research Computing section. 

  • Students: You may continue using your existing cloud accounts with your IU credentials, though if you intend to continue using it for the long term, you may contact with the request to remove it from IU's management. This will allow you to continue working with the account outside of your IU credentials. 
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES, through December 31, 2024  
  • You will retain access to IU's Canvas instance through the end of 2024. 
  • For instructions for moving materials to Purdue's instance of D2L Brightspace, see the Innovative Learning page.  For additional help, contact 
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES  
  • You will retain access to your IU Exchange email account. However, faculty and staff will have an A1 license, rather than an A5 license. Students will move from an A5 license to an A1 license after two semesters of non-enrollment in IU classes (fall, spring, and summer each count as one semester). For more about the differences, see About A5 and A1 licenses in Microsoft 365 at IU. 
  • You may want to migrate data to your Purdue account to consolidate your data.  You may also be near a quota, since licensing terms will change for your IU accounts.  In general, the new IU quota will change to 50GB for Exchange email.  Purdue will send direct communication to anyone over or near these new quota limits. 
◊ To check mailbox quotas in Outlook (desktop), go to the File menu and look for the info under the title “Mailbox Settings” 
◊ To check mailbox quotas in Outlook (web and New Outlook), go to the Settings cog > Accounts > Storage  
  • To migrate current IUPUI message and calendars to your Purdue email, you can use two methods: 
◊ IU has provided instructions linking both mailboxes and dragging and dropping folders to transfer messages 
◊ Another solution that may be more technical is the PST export and import method.  Instructions by Microsoft can be found here (requires the desktop version of Outlook). 
  • You can choose to manage your IU and Purdue email accounts separately or redirect your IU email to your Purdue email account using automatic forwarding. 
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES 
  • You will retain access to IU's GitHub instance.  Fall courses should be taught using Purdue’s GitHub instance.  
  • All Purdue researchers can use the private GitHub instance at Simply navigate to and login with your Purdue username and password. 
  • For migrating repositories from IU’s GitHub instance to Purdue’s GitHub instance, please follow the instructions at: In this case, your original repository will be at “” (as opposed to “” mentioned in the document) and the destination URL will be “”.  
  • More documentation about Purdue’s GitHub instance can be found at: 
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES, through December 31, 2024 
  • Your IU Google Drive will be accessible for the Fall semester, but access will be removed on December 31, 2024.  After that date, you will have no access to any IU Google content. 

◊ You can copy files from your IU Google Drive into your Purdue OneDrive account, which has a 5 TB limit.  For assistance with migrating your Google Drive data, you can send an email to

  • In addition, Purdue does use Google Workspace for Education, so you'll need to convert native Google files to another format to store them in Purdue's Microsoft 365 environment. 
◊  For assistance with migrating your Google Drive data, you can send an email to
◊ For data not stored in Drive, such as YouTube content, UITS has created an exception group to allow faculty or staff members to use Google Takeout, which is ordinarily restricted to students. Follow the instructions in Use Google Takeout to move Google at IU data to a personal Google account. 
Group Accounts
  • Access after July 1, 2024: NO 
  • Only current IU faculty and staff may own IU group accounts. Eligibility to own group accounts will end seven days following termination of IU employment. 
  • If your group account is relevant to a unit that will remain at IU, you should transfer ownership to a faculty or staff member in that unit; see Transfer ownership of a group or departmental account. 
  • If your group account stores data that is relevant to a unit transitioning to Purdue, send an email to to discuss options for moving your data. 
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES 
  • You will retain access to Kaltura at IU.  Data in IU’s Kaltura instance will be copied into Purdue’s Kaltura instance by the transition date. 
Microsoft 365 (OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, etc.)
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES, but licensing will change 
  • You will retain access to your Microsoft 365 at IU account. However, faculty and staff will have an A1 license, with a significantly smaller quota, rather than an A5 license. Students will move from an A5 license to an A1 license after two semesters of non-enrollment in IU classes (fall, spring, and summer each count as one semester). For more about the differences, see About A5 and A1 licenses in Microsoft 365 at IU. 
  • You may want to migrate data to your Purdue account to consolidate your data.  You may also be near a quota since the licensing terms will change for your IU account.  In general, the new IU quota will change to 100GB for OneDrive.  Purdue will send direct communication to anyone over or near these new quota limits. 
◊ To check OneDrive quotas, follow the instructions here 
  • If you are over the new quota or want to consolidate your documents, you can copy files into your Purdue OneDrive account, which has a 5 TB limit.  For assistance with migrating your OneDrive data, you can send an email to 
  • SharePoint and Teams sites will need to be created in the Purdue environment and data manually copied overYou can visit the Collaboration@Purdue site (be sure to log in with your credentials) for help getting startedFor questions, you can send an email to
  • Access after August 1, 2024: NO 
  • You will not be able to access IU's Qualtrics service after August 1, 2024. Options for preserving your data include: 
◊ Transfer your Qualtrics at IU surveys to someone who will remain at IU. This would be appropriate if the information will be relevant to operations at one or more IU units in the future. To do so, email 
◊ Transfer data from your Qualtrics at IU account to a Purdue Qualtrics account, if you are eligible for one. This would be appropriate if the data will be relevant to a unit that is transitioning to Purdue University in Indianapolis. Qualtrics administrators at both Purdue and IU must authorize the migration. To start this process, contact Qualtrics Support through your IU-provided Qualtrics account; see Get help with Qualtrics at IU. 
◊ Manually download your Qualtrics data. This option carries a greater risk of data not carrying over to a new account; if you encounter issues with the export or import, contact Qualtrics Support . For instructions, see: 
Research Computing
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES, through September 30, 2024
  • Access to IU's research computing will remain unchanged for 90 days, but you will lose access to IU's research resources and data after September 30, 2024.
  • The Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC) operates all centrally maintained research computing resources. RCAC provides advanced computational resources and services to support Purdue faculty and staff researchers. RCAC also leads research and partners with researchers to enhance the capabilities of resources. Services offered by RCAC include: 
Community Clusters: World-class computational clusters at a fraction of the cost of workstations and servers, managed and supported centrally. 
Research Storage: Variety of research storage to meet research storage needs, runtime storage, cold storage (cold backup), regulated compute environments, AI, and more. 
Research Data Network: High-speed network infrastructure designed to facilitate transfer of large quantities of data produced by and analyzed on Purdue’s high-performance computing systems.  
Partner on Research Proposals: Support and advance research discovery at Purdue through partnerships with faculty and research groups.  
Computational, AI, and Data Science Skills: Domain-specific and general computational skills including software and workflow development provided by skilled research and computational scientists. 
Training: Frequent workshops and training videos on various research computing, data, and AI topics. 
Outreach: Participation in events and engagement with research computing enthusiasts 
ACCESS: Support for NSF-funded Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem Services and Support (ACCESS) through computing and data resources (Anvil) and staff expertise 
REED+: Research ecosystem including storage and high-speed computing capability to handle Purdue’s control led research data and processing needs in a manner compliant with the highest level of cybersecurity applicable.  
Center for Research Software Engineering: Accelerate research through software engineering support 
Envision Center: Assist, support, and collaborate with faculty, students, and industry in scientific visualization, virtual and augmented reality and media creation. 

  • List RCAC Solutions include: 

◊ Compute: 

Negishi, Bell: HPC community clusters for majority of computing tasks, including single-thread well as multi- and many-core parallelism 
Gautschi: HPC and AI community cluster that will be deployed in 2024 and will include dense CPU nodes as well as GPUs 
Gilbreth: HPC Community cluster for GPU-enabled research 
Geddes: Private Cloud 
Weber: HPC cluster for research under export control 
Scholar: Compute cluster for classroom learning 
Hammer: community cluster optimized for loosely coupled high-throughput computing 
Anvil: HPC cluster and private cloud for national NSF ACCESS and NAIRR 
Open OnDemand: A web-browser-enabled interface to computing resources on HPC clusters. 
Thinlinc: An alternative to running an X11 server directly on compute that allows graphical interactive jobs run directly on compute cluster 
Applications: Thousands of applications and containers, including bioinformatics application, are supported on HPC clusters. A software catalogue is available via user guides. 

◊ Storage:  

Data Depot: High-capacity, fast, reliable and secure research data storage for majority of research data storage needs (POSIX file system) 

Scratch Storage: Parallel file system on each community cluster optimized for runtime compute and data-intensive needs 

Home Directories: Personal research data storage for HPC needs 

Fortress: Large, long-term, multi-tiered file caching and storage system 

Depot Object: Object storage that facilitates access through S3-compatible APIs.  

Not sure what you need? please visit Storage Solution Finder

◊ Data migration: Globus provides a powerful and easy-to-use file transfer service. Globus is RCAC’s recommended service for transfer of research data to storage solutions managed by RCAC. It provides an easy-to-use interface and a reliable mechanism to transfer or share data. 

◊ Need further support? Please visit user guides and RCAC website for additional information. For further support, please contact 

  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES 
  • You will retain access to IU Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap). 
Scholarly Data Archive
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES, through September 30, 2024. 
  • You will retain access to high performance computing and high performance storage systems through September 30, 2024.  If you need assistance migrating your data or research workflows please contact Following the September 30 deadline, you can contact to request access to your data.  After December 27, your data will be deleted, and you will have no access to any data stored in the Scholarly Data Archive or Slate.  
  • Purdue researchers can use the Fortress data archive to save their research data and results in the long term. Fortress is free for all Purdue researchers and there is no storage limit. 
  • Faculty members can request access to Fortress by sending an email to with the subject line “Purdue Indianapolis – Fortress data archive access.” 
  • Once access is set up, researchers can use the Globus transfer tool to transfer data from IU systems to Fortress. Instructions for using Globus can be found here: 
  • More details about the Fortress data archive can be found here:  
  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES, read access to data will be available indefinitely. However, new uploads are limited to students completing IUPUI Purdue degrees through 2027.  
  • Other Purdue staff and faculty may contribute uploads in cases where projects involve collaborations with IU Indianapolis faculty or staff. Contact the Center for Digital Scholarship at IU Indianapolis University Library:
  • IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks will be moving Purdue school faculty works to a “community” on the site labeled Purdue University in Indianapolis. We will include a note on that landing page indicating that the archived content found there represents works authored by the former members of IUPUI’s Purdue schools. Content will not be removed. 
  • Future student capstones should start using Purdue’s PURR service.  For more details, you can visit the PURR site for information with getting started.  For more assistance, you can send an email to  
  • Access after July 1, 2024: NO, editing capabilities will end on July 7 
  • Sites will still be online after July 1, but with group account eligibility lost, you will lose access to connect to the site to access content.  Sitehost accounts are owned by group accounts, which must be owned by current IU faculty or staff members (see the Group Accounts section). Departments are responsible for migrating most websites from the domain. If you have questions, reach out to the marketing contact of your home unit at Purdue. 


  • Access after July 1, 2024: YES, through September 30, 2024. 
  • You will retain access to high performance computing and high performance storage systems through September 30, 2024.  If you need assistance migrating your data or research workflows please contact Following the September 30 deadline, you can contact to request access to your data.  After December 27, your data will be deleted, and you will have no access to any data stored in the Scholarly Data Archive or Slate.  
  • Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC) at Purdue manages the Data Depot parallel filesystem which can be accessed from any of the RCAC clusters or as a network drive from personal computers using Samba/CIFS. Data Depot has an aggregate capacity of 6.5PB and is designed to be fast and fault-tolerant. The storage space on Data Depot can be shared amongst the members of a research group and PIs can set up granular access control for specific subdirectories. 
  • Faculty members can request access to up to 100GB free storage on Data Depot from the purchase page. 
  • Additional storage can be purchased by Purdue investigators  in increments of 1TB from the self-service web page:  
  • Once access is set up, researchers can use the Globus tool to transfer their data from IU resources to the Data Depot:  
  • More details about Data Depot can be found at: