Purdue negotiates availability of software products for departmental or college use on University-owned machines through campus site licenses, volume discounts, and limited-license agreements. Eligibility for the software below depends on the terms outlined in each product's Software Licensing Agreement and any supplemental amendments between the software publisher and Purdue University.
This software is for University-owned hardware only. Installation on personal machines or hardware purchased through independent grants or funds not resulting in Purdue ownership is prohibited. Please see the Faculty and Staff Software Page for information on obtaining software for personally-owned machines.
Be sure to review the specific product's information page for any limitations that might effect availability to your department, such as geographic restrictions, Academic-use only requirements, or network-based license management.
Several popular software products are available for departmental purchase either directly through University-approved resellers or established purchase agreement via recharge.
Major Microsoft products such as Windows and Office are covered under the Microsoft EES (Enrollment for Education Solutions). Please see the University Sponsored section for these items. Other Microsoft products, such as Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Microsoft MapPoint, and Microsoft SQL Server are available for direct purchase by departments from Purdue's Microsoft reseller SHI, Software House International.
For further details, please see the Microsoft page.
Adobe Acrobat and the Adobe Creative Cloud suite are available through an ETLA, Enterprise Term License Agreement, and recharged at the department level for use. Other Adobe Products not included in the Creative Cloud suite, including Adobe Captivate, Adobe Contribute, and Adobe EchoSign are available for direct purchase from Connection, Purdue's Adobe reseller.
For further details, please see the Creative Cloud page.
The following products are available to departments through established purchase agreements and charged/recharged to an approved departmental account provided by the requester.
Please see the individual product pages for availability, distribution information, and cost.
The cost of some software products are covered by sponsoring organizations within Purdue. Product availability is determined by the number of unused product licenses and any agreement limitations on distribution. Click the links below to get more information on product availability and distribution.
Current University Sponsored software for departmental use includes: